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Delivering Better Security and Business Outcomes

Cloud Secure Edge Security's device-centric SSE enhances Zero Trust, securing remote access to applications and resources.

As organizations increasingly move their applications, resources, and data to cloud-based environments, the traditional security perimeter is becoming obsolete. The shift to remote work and the rise of distributed, cloud computing has created a new attack surface that is difficult to protect with traditional perimeter security solutions. Cloud-based environments and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vendors all rely on different authentication and authorization methods resulting in security and usability compromises. To address this challenge, a new approach to security and access is needed, and that approach is the modern Security Service Edge (SSE).

The Cloud Secure Edge Security Platform extends our industry-leading Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution providing a devicecentric Security Service Edge (SSE) which secures access to applications and resources from anywhere while empowering the modern workforce.

In this whitepaper, we will explore our modern approach to Security Service Edge in detail, including its architecture, benefits, and how it can help organizations improve their security posture in today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape. By the end of this whitepaper, you will have a clear understanding of how Cloud Secure Edge Security’s device-centric SSE helps organizations protect against modern cyber threats.



Organizations have relied on legacy approaches to securing their network perimeter. They’ve also depended on SaaS providers to provide a minimal amount of security. This has ultimately resulted in compromises to security and unsatisfactory user experiences.


Cloud Secure Edge’s Approach

Cloud Secure Edge’s modern solution was built with ease of deployment and use in mind. It was developed from the ground up based on modern methods and technology rather than just old code, virtualized to run in the cloud. This results in exceptional performance.


Cloud Secure Edge Security Platform

The Cloud Secure Edge Security Platform securely connects users to applications, resources, and infrastructure while protecting them from internet threats. Risk and security are continuously evaluated and enforced in real-time across hybrid, multi-cloud, and SaaS environments.