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SonicWall High Availability conversion license to standalone unit
Convert your SonicWall HA appliance to a standalone unit.

SonicWall Products
NSA Series High Availability conversion license to standalone unit
SonicWall NSA 2600 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $800.40
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SonicWall Network Security Appliance 3600 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $1,198.00
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SonicWall Network Security Appliance 4600 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $1,678.00
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SonicWall Network Security Appliance 5600 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $3,298.00
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SonicWall Network Security Appliance 6600 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $5,998.00
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SuperMassive Series High Availability conversion license to standalone unit
SonicWall SuperMassive 9200 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $9,627.86
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SonicWall SuperMassive 9400 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $14,442.86
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SonicWall SuperMassive 9600 High Availability Conversion License to Standalone Unit
Converts HA unit to the basic standalone appliance (no services)
Price: $20,862.86
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Please use the table below to help choose the correct upgrade licenses for high availability. If you need any assistance, please contact us.

SonicWall High Availability Guidelines
Model HA Support1 HA Model Available Stateful HA/Expanded License3 A/A DPI1 A/A Clustering2
TZ 105 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
TZ 205 Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A
TZ 215 Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A
NSa 220 Yes 01-SSC-9732 01-SSC-4654 / 01-SSC-4655 N/A N/A
NSa 250M Yes 01-SSC-9732 01-SSC-4654 / 01-SSC-4655 N/A N/A
NSa 2400 Yes 01-SSC-9732 01-SSC-4654 / 01-SSC-4655 N/A N/A
NSa 2600 Yes 01-SSC-9732 01-SSC-4654 / 01-SSC-4655 N/A N/A
NSa 3600 Yes 01-SSC-9732 01-SSC-4654 / 01-SSC-4655 N/A N/A
NSa 4600 Yes 01-SSC-9732 Included N/A N/A
NSa 5600 Yes 01-SSC-9732 Included 01-SSC-4480 01-SSC-4480
NSa 6600 Yes 01-SSC-9732 Included 01-SSC-4481 01-SSC-4481
Supermassive 9200 Yes 01-SSC-9732 Included Included Included
Supermassive 9400 Yes 01-SSC-9732 Included Included Included
Supermassive 9600 Yes 01-SSC-9732 Included Included Included

1 If doing Active/Passive, Stateful High Availability, or Active/Active DPI only a single set of licenses are required, including services and Stateful HA or Expanded License above
2 If doing Active/Active Clustering two sets of licenses are required which includes two sets of services subscriptions, and two expanded licenses if required
3 If the client requires BGP and Stateful High Availability then you would want to sell them the Expanded license as it provides for BGP as well as Stateful HA.